Thursday, 15 November 2007

End of Term Show

Hello again,

I was just wondering how everybody was feeling about the end of term show? I feel a little like we have inadvertently  gone back to our individual things and trying to link them together, which is what we had agreed that we weren't going to do.

Does everyone think that this will work best? Is it possible to work things into one piece of work or is that what we already have? 

My personal feeling is that I would like us all to work on one big thing and perhaps take different roles and responsibilities in that - but don't know if that is too much of a step backwards? Or maybe everybody is happy with where we got to yesterday?

I thought that maybe it is best to think about it a bit now so we don't spend too long discussing it tomorrow.

See you all soon.


harriet said...

group project become group exhibition??

my feeling is that it will have a fete or gallery feel to it which may or may not be a good thing, good in that it allows us to each be our own creative selves and present different approaches to participation,without having to consider too much compromise but bad, in my view , firstly that this i thought was our one chance to work on one big thing together and learn from one another bringing in our specialisms,(which the MA course book seems to point at) and secondly that the scale of work proposed might be too much for just one or two people on an 'exhibit'and therefore not be as good as it could have been. In that if it was developed over a longer period with a greater skillset ... like laura said maybe one big project bringing in aspects of the others?

however, all of that said, i haven't got any more time to dither and if we all agree to go with wednedsdays meeting ideas of individual pieces then lets just get on with making it


Mz. Noodle said...

I think the model we are working with right now is going to be a good one.

I don't feel like we are breaking down into isolated pods even though we are pursuing individual ideas. The question of "how will my piece fit into the whole?" is a central one to each decision I'm making about my own contribution and one that I will need to address with the group, as will everyone else, in order to make this feel like a cohesive whole.

I'm finding this dilemma - how to integrate my part with the whole while still infusing some aspect of my own practice and interests into it - really stimulating and challenging in a good way. I see what we discussed yesterday as one piece with each of us having our role or part to play in it.

The way I'm interpreting "one big thing" is as a more traditional, static tableau and that makes my heart sink and the creative fire go out. I would love to hear what excites you about "one big thing" because it's probably nowhere near as dreary as the picture I have in my head. Also, how it differs from what we have going now.

Glad you brought this up. Raised some interesting questions for me and combined with an afternoon brainstorming with Sally and So Young, has helped me to feel more confident in how this will work.
It's really important that we stay in touch, talk about our ideas in formal meetings and informal ones, and don't feel like we're battling our piece completely on our own.

Sadly, now I'm going offline for the rest of the evening, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with laura, and i'm not really sure whats going on anymore? thursday really confused me as i felt like we were being asked to/ or chosing contradictory stratergies i think it will seem like a fete if there are all these individualisms and asthetics and i also feel like a big show as a whole would be terrible and that we need to aim for something in the middle if such a thing exists....

the way i feel any friday we fancy we can put up some work in the space get some wine and call it a show - harriets right this is our oppurtunity to work on something together

i didn't mean to make such a point about neil taking a visual designer role - but i do find it quite strage that we give just one person such a perscriptive defined role when there was so much confusion around - it may well be easier if we all had more diffined roles like this - avoiding a heirarchy as much as possible?

harriet said...

i think that doug just asked neil to type up the plan at this point, i don't think he was a visual designer? i think it would be good to assign production roles on the show however using peoples expertise maybe lets open it up on friday.

we also need to really consider the corridor with using projections- is this practical? for the idea i presented yesterday i needed life size projections which seems a little impractical in the corridor without changing the idea