Sunday, 4 November 2007

Venue/ Time Issues Re Show

hello - Just thought that i'd let you know that i went to that meeting with Kate - The marketing officer on friday which was actually about the end of year and interim shows and there was quite a lot of info that came out of it which seems really relevant to us. Firstly for each hour that the college remains open after college hours you have to pay a caretaker £30 an hour - and the number of caretakers you need depends on how many of us there are - if there was us and 30 guests it could cost us £120 per hour that the college was open, - so the reaction then seems to be that it shouldn't be in the evening but i also found out that painting pathway have also been told that they are having an end of term exhibition on the same day so we may have real space issues. sorry to be the bearere of bad news but atleast if we know this now we can work around it.

I also just wanted to let you know that in light of doug proposing the wedesday afternoon/ evening classess and time dwindling away especially becuase for those of us are planning to work on the monday and tuesday i have suggested that personally i feel we could use some/one of the thursdays with rebecca and andrew to work on the project - especially as they know so much about audience reactions/participations and practically where to get things etc and seemed to ask really interesting questions re everone's work and proposals on thursday - i made it clear that this was just my opinion but i would like to know what eveyone feels anyway?


1 comment:

harriet said...

sounds good to use one of the thursdays but we only have;

this thurs 8th nov (which FM may have planned for already)

next thurs no project as abdication on tues 13th

thurs 22nd??? Possibility??just to let you all know i need to leave by 5pm that day

thurs 29th ??- Possibility??harry not here though just to let you know

thurs 6th dec- they have something planned for us as the day they said was 3-9pm or 4-10pm

thurs 13th dec- the day before the show

I think it would be good to spend one day with them helping the planning or better still?, helping us in feeding back on a scratch show testing out ideas?

we need to confirm the times of the painting MA show on site in case we found a venue off site for the friday 14th?